Brown Wing Overdrive: bio

Brown Wing Overdrive at Pyramid Atlantic, Silver Spring MDChuck Bettis – electronics & throat
Mikey IQ Jones – vocals, samplers, toys
Derek Morton – banjo, f/x, synth divination

Brown Wing Overdrive is Chuck Bettis (electronics + throat), Mikey IQ Jones (electronics, objects, percussion, vocals) and Derek Morton (electronics, banjo). They started as a duo of Bettis & Morton, then with the addition of Mikey IQ Jones, became a trio for a couple of years until IQ went rogue shortly after BWO’s Tzadik record was released. For a few years BWO explored rituals as an amorphous group that constantly included Bettis & Morton plus many great musicians; influenced by pollution, angry shamans, burning circuitry, lonely poltergeists, sandpaper, dental work, alarm clocks, hallucinogenic banjo claw hammer, trash trucks, beat box’in, synthy modular meltdown and chaotic analog. Now IQ has returned from his walkabout and BWO has resurrected as the original trio to bring forth the insanity once again.